Things I Wish I Knew When I First Got Into Fitness – Chapter 1

Things I Wish I Knew When I First Got Into Fitness - Chapter 1

A lot of people asked me to share some of the things I wish I knew when I first got into fitness, So I decided to put together a short article series where I will share my best insights as I believe you will find them valuable.

I made every mistake in the book, which I don’t regret as it’s part of what gives me the confidence and authority to teach others what I know now, but I also could’ve avoided most of them.

Each article will discuss 1 thing I wish I knew, and In the end, I will put all of my insights together into 1 big article.

Today I will touch upon how long it really takes to achieve results.

I Wish I Knew That Real results will take longer than you want

We are very fortunate to live in a world where we can have things instantly. You can order food via app to get it delivered to your door in 20 minutes. We have access to information on the internet instantly. We can connect with friends and family who are on the other side of the planet through our smartphones.

The human race has excelled in making life easier, faster, and less challenging.

Although these things have made our lives easy, it has created a problem with our expectations. We now expect instant results in nearly every part of our lives. 

We want to get fit now, lose 50 pounds in a week, And it doesn’t work that way.

The reality is that success rarely happens overnight. All the fitness models you see on Instagram have a history of trial and error that they went through way before they ever became a success.

You don’t see the years of them falling and picking themselves back up. You only see the product of them finally having a breakthrough.

Think about the farmer for a second…

The farmer understands the seed needs time to grow to produce the highest yield possible. This process can’t be rushed, or the plant will die, which would cost the farmer money and time.

The reason people fail is they stop and start on goals, but each time you stop, the seed dies. 

Excuses don’t matter

I am in an industry where I hear a lot of excuses and reasons why someone “can’t”, and it is my duty to show people that they can.

If you present your weight loss journey one step at a time, the intimidation factor diminishes, and the success rate rises. I say to conquer your fitness and health goals one small positive change at a time, but you must initiate and take the first step.

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