How To Guarantee Your Weight Loss Success

How To Guarantee Your Weight Loss Success

Hint: DO YOU.

Look, there is no one diet that works for everyone. Your eating pattern has to be an individualized approach – You have to find what works best for you.

There’s also no quick fix when it comes to losing weight and sustaining weight loss.

Your neighbor might be successful on a keto plan and your co-worker may love intermittent fasting, but if you’re a vegetarian who can’t live with her breakfast, these plans pose too many challenges. This may be an extreme example, but it’s meant to illustrate how important it is to understand your unique needs and then identify an eating pattern that suits you best.

It’s now widely recognized that different eating patterns can be appropriate for different situations, but that’s only if you can stick with the advice.

There are people who thrive on an intermittent fasting protocol while others can’t put up with the hunger or limitations of restricting eating to certain time windows each day.

Nourishing your body is a commitment — not a passing fling — so determine what type of eating pattern sounds most doable to you and then try to adhere to it in the healthiest way possible. That means something different to everyone, so just do you.

To Sum Up

Don’t believe the hype.

Being too restrictive and focused on a specific weight goal takes up a lot of mental energy that could be freed up for more important things — like your love life, your friends and family, and your killer career. This form of dieting can also take an emotional toll. It’s a good idea to move away from a restrictive diet mentality and to prize both your physical and emotional health. Forget what you’ve heard about ideal body weights and find the place where you can live most healthfully and happily.

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