How To Curb Your Late-Night Snacking Habit

3 Tips To Curb Your Late-Night Snacking Habit

Are you a late-night eater? You are not alone! This is such a common scenario for so many people and it’s one that certainly can be overcome.

There are a number of reasons why we do this, Often this may be due to boredom, stress, or tiredness. Try these tips to help banish evening cravings and curb after-dinner snacking; and, if you must snack, go for nutritious options.

Space Your Meals Throughout The Day

Yes, even if you have a lack of appetite during daytime or morning hours. That way when night time comes you won’t be so hungry. 

Switch Your Nighttime Routine

Switch to a routine that can help you relax and wind down. This often includes things like turning off screens earlier, establishing habits that signal sleep (i.e. reading in low light and drinking decaf tea or journaling before bed), and getting into bed only when you are sleepy.

Design Your Environment For Success

Actions like limiting light in the evening, increasing exposure to bright light in the morning, and getting rid of junk food can all help you in fighting late-night eating.

Still Starving after Dinner?

People often eat out of boredom, because of stress, or just out of habit rather than from true hunger. Consider asking yourself the following questions before eating: Am I hungry? Am I thirsty? Am I tired? Am I bored? Am I sad?

If you are still hungry after ruling out other factors, it’s OK to have a snack. Opt for foods with high protein and fiber and eat small portions slowly, and without distractions.  

As challenging it may be,  The good news here is that night eating syndrome is highly treatable, don’t give up!

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