6 Best Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

6 Best Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

How do I start my weight loss journey?

This is one of the most asked questions I get. While everyone’s blueprint for weight loss will (and should) be different, there are definitely certain starting points that work and help for absolutely everyone.

Here our top 6:

#1 Plan and make a commitment

When you are setting a goal, think a lot about that goal and how you will work to achieve it. Make a solid plan and then focus on how to execute that plan. Effective and thorough planning will help you stay on track. Give yourself a timeline and benchmarks to help you track those goals.

The benchmarks need to be specific- Don’t just say you will work out more. Decide how many times you will work out and what you will be doing while you are at the gym. This will set you up for success.

For example – Completing 3 workouts per week, going for a daily morning run, etc.

Along those same lines, remember why you set those goals in the first place. If they were important enough for you to take time to plan them, why aren’t they important enough to stick with? 

Make a commitment and stick with it.

#2 Always focus on the basics

Don’t believe everything you hear.

In the fitness industry, dietary weight loss trends change daily. From drinking apple cider vinegar to eating only grapefruit, there is something to challenge everyone’s palate. If you want to lose weight, focus your energies elsewhere …

The reality is that Weight loss fundamentals are based on a tried-and-true equation:

Calories out>calories in = weight loss.

It’s an undeniable fact, regardless of how much we want to torture ourselves with a strict carb-free diet based on magic juices. Attempting weight loss shouldn’t be a form of punishment. An unhealthy approach can lead to poor self-esteem and even additional weight gain—along with a (literal) bad taste in your mouth.

In Simple Fitness, our clients achieve amazing results training only 3 days per week, and without hours upon hours of cardio.

#3 Make it a priority

If you want results, you have to prioritize your health and fitness.

For instance, Scheduling your workouts is not only a great way to keep you organized but dedicated. If you cheat at dinner and you’ve already booked an 8 a.m. class for the following morning you will be less likely to continue your downward spiral and won’t feel so guilty. Not sure where to start? Turn to technology! There are so many amazing fitness apps on the market that motivate you and help you stay organized.

#4 Start slow and focus on the long-term

Many people start so strong. They come in and they want to give 110 percent. I used to see it all the time at the gym I was working at a few years ago, especially in January. They want to work hard and they want to make changes, so they come in seven days a week and they’re training for three hours straight.

They start removing entire food groups and just go crazy. And that’s where they fail They want to make a change that is temporary and fast, but what we preach all the time is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. This is something you’re doing for the rest of your life.

#5 Accountability

Whether you hold yourself accountable or find an accountability partner, this is a crucial step. You’ll need encouragement or a little kick in the pants to help you stay on track. 

Whether it’s a friend or your personal trainer – make sure someone is there to support you and keep you in check.

#6 Be patient

Losing weight too quickly is unhealthy and unproductive. And, the pounds often creep back.

Think about the long-term, focus on developing a healthier lifestyle, filled with fun activities and foods and fitness to fuel them. Somewhere along the way, you’ll accomplish a healthy weight. A watched scale never budges.

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