1-ON-1 VIP Coaching

Do You Struggle With Losing Weight? Are You Tired Of Complexity And Trying To Figure Everything Out On Your Own?

It's Time To Get VIP Personalized 1 On 1 Help And Start Seeing Results.

It's time to have a totally different life. IT'S TIME TO BE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT YOU.

Hundreds of women are finally realizing that there's a new way. STOP BEING FRUSTRATED. STOP LISTENING TO ALL THE THINGS THE FITNESS INDUSTRY TELLS YOU NOT TO EAT. NO MORE complicated programs, extreme cardio and starvation diets. SAY GOODBY TO Bloating, BINGE EATING, POOR SLEEP AND MOOD SWINGS, SAY HELLO TO FREEDOM.


– Smartphone App Use:​ No more boring spreadsheets and  Now you can use our ​smartphone app​ to access and log your workouts, view exercises, and your nutrition plan, track your weight & progress photos, and communicate with your trainer.

– Custom Workout & Nutrition Programs:​ No cookie-cutter plans. Our team will build you a customized workout and nutrition programs, both changed as needed along the way.

-Ongoing Support And Accountability: We’ll be checking in with you on a regular basis, no question will be left unanswered. We will pick an effective communication method for regular trouble-shooting (assess what’s working, and what’s not), and make necessary changes moving forward.



“This coaching is the real deal. I was so frustrated before. I had a huge issue with binge eating and I’ve tried every “magic diet” you can think of.

With the personal guidance of Keano and his team, this binge eating thing is no longer defining me. I gained back control over my emotions and I have improved my relationship with food. I go to the gym with focus and purpose, knowing exactly what I should focus on and I couldn’t be happier with the results.

The weekly calls with Keano really help to keep me accountable and the value I get out of them is really insane.

I couldn’t be happier right now!”




“Keano and his team have created an amazing atmosphere with their coaching program. I truly believe every woman who is currently struggling should have access to it.

I am now 6 months in, I’ve learned how to fuel my body with the proper nutrient and I now get to eat more than ever while still losing weight! My bloating has reduced and I feel so much better with myself and the most important thing is that I feel like I received tools that will continue to serve me and my goals for a lifetime.

Thanks, guys!”




“The thing I like the most about the coaching experience with Simple Fitness is their approach. I am no longer tied to the scale because I know this is not the only way to measure your progress. Keano is very professional and knowledgeable and has helped me re-shape both my mindset and body. The ongoing support is amazing and I really recommend their program for any woman who is serious about changing her body. Don’t wait any longer!”




“I have a long history with diet and training. I decided to give a chance and scheduled a free consulting call with Keano. The rest is history. I’ve signed to be coaching and I can honestly say that this is the first time in years where I have come across a system that is actually simple, something that is sustainable, that I follow without hesitation.

I get to train less, eat more, sleep better and just feel good about myself, after a long time that I didn’t.

Thank you!”



A few words...

As a personal trainer who has walked in your shoes, and helped 100’s of women just like you,  I am truly excited for you.

If you’re here, it’s not by chance or luck.

In fact, you’re on this page right now because you have just finished our fundamentals series or may have been referred by an active member of our community. Or maybe you have been following me for some time and you know that what your doing isn’t working.

Either way, I’m glad you’re here.

No More Complexity, No Fluff. Just Results

It’s Time To Address And Fix The REAL Reason You Haven’t Been Able To Lose The Weight On Your Own… 

There is so much nonsense that’s going on in the fitness industry. Everything seems so complex and there is so much misleading information out there.

And I know what you’re thinking…

You’re not sure. You’re hesitant. And you should be.

It’s got out of control.

Sketchy health guru #1 will tell you to eat carrots every 3 hours to look good, while health guru #2 will tell you to fast for 20 hours and then do 3 hours of cardio before you have your first ice cream. Meanwhile, they’re miserable starving themselves and slaving away 7 days a week in the gym. 

And you have fallen into their trap.

This thing should end.

And if you keep reading, I’ll show you why 100’s of clients we have worked within our gym claim that our simple mindset shifts and fundamentals changed their lives forever, and how we helped them build a body they love and a body that they can sustain.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but here is what your current situation look like: 

 ☹️ You have tried so many diets yet you can’t hold onto any of them for more than a few weeks. You go “all in” and heavily restrict your diet, eliminating almost all food sources. You lose some weight but end up feeling so weak and you crave for food – and then you binge eat, gain the weight back up and end up feeling guilty and frustrated. 

  ☹️ You are spending hours upon hours at the gym, 4-7 days per week, doing all sorts of extreme cardio routines from boot camps to Crossfit to 5k runs. You then perform high rep training just to “feel the burn”, hoping to spot reduce fat from your “trouble areas”.

You feel trapped, like you’re tied to the gym and no matter how much effort you put in, you never see the results you are after, you are only getting weaker and exhausted.

☹️ You are simply tired of all this complexity, spinning your wheels yet not making any long term progress. Telling yourself “next time it will work, but now I just want to eat”. 

🙂 All you want is to be happy. To feel good again about yourself, to be healthy, energized and have the toned and athletic body you have always wanted.

It shouldn’t be that complicated.



The more quick-fix diets and intense exercise programs you try, the more shitty and stuck you might feel.

Any weight that is lost is usually gained back within a couple of weeks because when you restrict your diet severely, you typically want those things more.  Heavy dietary restrictions typically create feelings of deprivation which commonly lead to bigger cravings, periods of bingeing or overeating, food obsession, and weight gain. 

You also may experience painful and irregular periods and have digestive issues, low sex drive, and overall foggy feeling.

From all of the above, you can tell how extreme dietary restrictions and quick fixes are just counterproductive.

No 8-week program is going to miraculously get you to where you want to be.

You’re chasing your tail in a circle. You feel stuck.

I’ve walked in your shoes… I went through this process, I’ve done this a million times. I tried everything – From low carb to Keto, Fasting, Shakes, You name it. 

Nothing was sustainable for the long term.

I felt like a failure too.

But as Albert Einstein once said – doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results – is insanity.

It’s time to make a change.



Because it’s time to realize that what’s stopping you is not another quick-fix diet or hidden gems.

You just lack 2 things that equal success..

✅ A proven, yet simple training & nutrition plan that has been tried by others and has worked for others

✅ Accountability


Even the best programs won’t last without accountability. This is why so many women are stuck on the evil diet cycle of losing weight just to put it back on again each time..

suprising, huh?

I know.. It's much simpler then what they led you to believe..

Even though every health program talks about these pieces, most of them FAIL. They fail because they neglect to look at the mental and physiological processes involved. They don’t look into how the body functions as a whole. And in truth, it’s not entirely their fault. It took me years to get to this point and figure this out.

You want to create a life where you feel good about yourself and your body.

I want to help you get there. I’m looking for driven women who want to better their life. I will work with you to get to where you want to be. And you’ll gain back your investment and more.


Because your health and your life are priceless. The time and energy you gain back are invaluable. Not to mention, you’ll avoid jumping from the next quick-fix diet to another and you will never have to do another diet or training program again. This will FREE you for life.

Click on the button below to apply to work with me.