The Missing Piece In Your Weight Loss Puzzle – Accountability

The Missing Piece In Your Weight Loss Puzzle - Accountability

You are doing all the right exercises and eating the right foods. If so, why aren’t you reaching your goals?

The missing ingredient in your diet, or exercise in your routine, may be accountability.

To be honest, more often than not, we know what needs to be done. Instinct alone warns a bag of chips over a piece of fruit is not a good idea. A short walk on the treadmill is healthier than watching another episode of your favorite show

Most of us have basic knowledge. We even may be motivated. What’s missing? Answering to someone.

A peace-of-mind that allows us to sleep soundly at night.

However, when it comes to self-improvement, accountability to oneself is not always enough. Self-neglect can be justified as we reason with ourselves why we missed a workout or grabbed fast-food.

We explain we were too busy taking care of others’ needs, working, or tired from responsibilities to the rest of the world. With that mindset, it almost sounds commendable to have to miss a workout.

Being accountable to someone helps us commit to ourselves. That person can monitor our actions and police our excuses, with our best interest at heart. S/he may not even need to get involved. The thought of this person’s opinion when we contemplate a cookie or shorten a workout can be enough to keep us on track. It could be even better if it is someone we admire and want to impress.

What does research have to say about accountability?

You will lose more weight with an accountability partner.

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that overweight and obese women following a structured weight loss program with one-on-one support lost three times more weight over a 2-year period than those following the usual care (general weight loss and exercise advice accompanied with a check-in twice a month).1 The structured weight-loss group also reported “improved physical and mental quality of life at 12 months compared with usual care.”1

You can get healthier by going through this journey with someone.

A recent study by Ashton University found that social media users ate more fruits and vegetables if they perceived their friends were eating similar foods.2 Conversely, users who observed their friends eating unhealthy foods were likely to eat more junk food.2 Choose an accountability partner that wants to improve their eating habits just like you! You can both order a healthy lunch and say “pass!” by adding french fries or a soda to your meal.

Want an expert to be your accountability partner?

f you want a little more guidance when it comes to effective weight loss strategies, connecting with a professional coach — might be best for you.

A weight-loss expert like the ones with SimpleFitness,  can give you tools and tips specific to your lifestyle that can help you reach your goals. Their experience can make all the difference when it comes to making choices that will positively impact your journey. They’ve helped others reach their goals — now let them help you reach yours!

So if you are interested in connecting with a professional weight loss coach? We make it simple. Click here to learn more about our online coaching services.

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