8 Ways To Take Control Of Your Eating Habits And Start Losing Weight​

8 Ways To Take Control Of Your Eating Habits And Start Losing Weight

No matter how hard you try, You simply can’t out-train a bad diet. In fact, your eating habits are a huge part of your overall results. Check out the steps you can take in order to take control of the situation:

1. Start small

Small, practical changes will build healthier eating patterns. Over time, this can help to create better-eating habits that last.

In fact, the National Institutes for Health’s Diabetes Prevention Program study showed that people who were overweight with prediabetes significantly reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by losing just 5 to 7% of their body weight through healthier eating and 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week.

What small changes can a person make to start eating better?

2. Find easy, healthier substitutes for common foods. 

For example, a serving of baby carrots can offer a much healthier alternative to chips that’s just as convenient to pack for lunch or grab on the go. Frozen grapes can offer a quick and healthy way to satisfy a craving for sweets.

3. Design your environment for success 

 At the beginning of your habits-building process, remove all processed foods, microwave dinners, fast food, chips, sugary drinks from your house. etc. All the extra sugar and sodium will surely prevent you from getting rid of the belly pooch. 

Once you formed these habits, you can slowly start bringing back the treats you love. Just pay attention to serving sizes.

4. Drink plenty of water

This will prevent extra bloat and help boost your metabolism.

5. Slowwww down…

Research shows that when people eat at a slower pace, they feel full sooner and this leads to eating less. Why? it takes around 20 minutes for your brain to register if you are full or not. Eating too fast leads to overeating, so chew slowly to digest your food better and control how much you eat.

6. Think whole foods

Incorporate more fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your diet.

7. Use smaller plates

In order to control your portion sizes and avoid overeating.

8. Do not eat mindlessly

Concentrate on your food instead of watching TV or playing with your phone to avoid overeating.  

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