Small Changes That Will Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts Big Time

4 Small Changes That Will Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts Big Time

What If I told you there are some small changes you can start making in your daily routine that will help you shed those extra pounds without even trying too hard? This is what we will cover in today’s article.

These little steps may seem obvious, but most people don’t follow them for long enough. In the long run, they’ll help change your whole outlook on health and your well-being. 

1. Fill Up On Veggies

We talked about nutrient density before.

Filling the majority of your plate with vegetables is one of the easiest ways to cut down on calories without changing how much you eat. 

The water and fiber in fruits will add volume to your dishes, so you can eat more volume without adding too many calories. 

The American Heart Association recommends filling at least half your plate with fruits and veggies in order to make it to the recommended 4 ½ cups of each per day. 

2. Eat Slowly

Eating is not only about what and how much you eat, but how you eat it.

Eating slowly, with chewing more times, putting the fork down between bites, and talking a lot (without food in your mouth) being good ways to practice.

3. Move More During The Day

For example:

  • Take the stairs instead of the escalator.
  • It might save you time, but eating lunch at your desk while you keep working isn’t the best for your body, or for your brain. Take your lunch outside, and take a stroll down to your nearest park for some sunshine and fresh air.

These changes might seem subtle, but they add up.

4. Socialize Without Food

 It can take a bit of creativity and proactive planning, but it is possible to fill your social calendar without overeating and without feeling deprived because you aren’t. 

 If it’s a sunny day for example, go for a walk, hike, or bike ride at a local park. 

Rainy? Take a new interesting class with your friend or visit the museum.

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