Why You Must Stop Perpetual And Restrictive Diets

Why You Should Stop Restrictive And Perpetual Diets

Have you ever stick to your healthy eating habits for a week, then the moment you cave in and eat something not so healthy, your eating habits suddenly switched for the worst?

In fact,

One review revealed that 11 out of 19 studies found a link between a history of yo-yo dieting and higher fat belly and body fat percentage (1).

This is more pronounced after doing a weight loss diet as compared to a more subtle and sustainable lifestyle change and could be responsible for the yo-yo effect (2).

You are certainly not alone.

Here is the thing though.. If your eating habits are inconsistent, and so is your weight, energy levels, and the way you feel about your body and self.

Why you should stop restrictive and perpetual diets

Most people that start a diet go in with a short-term mindset.  They follow strict rules to reduce weight and usually return to their old habits as soon as they have achieved their preferred weight.

However, there is no temporary and quick solution to losing weight. If you are overweight, it is most likely because of your lifestyle and eating habits.

Know the pitfalls of your daily food choices so you can start ditching those old habits to reduce weight, long-term.

I know it may be a tough pill to swallow, but the best diet is not a diet, but a lifestyle with some guidelines that are achievable and easy to maintain.

With that said, There is some good news..

It is never too late to break that vicious cycle and avoid its adverse effects on your body. Want to know how? check out the links down below.

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