10 Ways To Burn More Calories At Home

10 Ways To Burn More Calories at Home

There is no doubt that this current situation we are in is not easy. Not to talk about maintaining your health and overall well-being.

With that said, It’s important that we will do our best to keep ourselves active and reduce our stress levels.

That’s why we gathered some quick tips you can implement to do so, And before you know it, you’ll have burned a few hundred calories and toned some muscles without even leaving the house or stepping on a treadmill.

1. Begin each morning with some stretches 

2. No Gym? No Problem! Do some bodyweight exercises to tone up!

Download your FREE home workout here.

3. Set an alarm to stand up and move around for five minutes every hour. 

This will keep you alert and energized

4. Set an alarm to stand up and move around for five minutes every hour. 

5. Jump Rope

You can burn 100 calories in just ten minutes. 

Check out this quality weighted rope that will challenge you even more!

6. The stairs are your new friend

Skip the elevator in your building and take the stairs instead. Or, run up and down the stairs in your house. 

7. On the phone?

Pace around the room to get in some extra steps.

8. Do 5 Squats Each Time You Go To The Refrigerator

9. Clean The House.

You can burn almost 200 calories per hour, and it probably needs to be done anyway.

10. Cook Dinner

 Standing up and cooking for 30 minutes can burn 100 calories.

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